Playful Pomeranian Puppies Available in LAUNCESTON, Tasmania for sale
I have 2 beautiful Pomeranian puppies. They are very healthy. Mom and dad are 4 lbs. The pups will have AKC registration, 1st set of shots, dew claws removed and tails docked. They will be trained on the wee-wee pads. Mom is on premises, both parents are pure Pomeranian and they both have AKC papers.
$ 300
Teacup Pomeranian puppies Available
Pomeranian pups have baby doll faces, short compact bodies, attractive coats, great personalities, and an overall...
$ 150
Teacup Pomeranian Puppies Available for Adoption
rottweiler puppies with docked tails puppies
litter of top class rotttweiler pups male and female big boned and...
$ 300
T-cup size Pomeranian puppies Available
Pomeranian pups have baby doll faces, short compact bodies, attractive coats, great personalities, and an overall...